In most cases, Suffolk Chiropractic Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy, a chiropractor near Mastic, finds that a ruptured or herniated spinal disc is the primary cause of sciatica. Disc material can press on a nerve root as it exits from the spine to form the sciatic nerve. When this happens, back and leg pain may result.
Herniated discs occur when one of the small, soft cushions between your vertebrae slips out of place and puts pressure on nearby nerves. In most people, a herniated disc occurs as a result of wear and tear or from an injury that tears the outer ring of one of your discs.
Here at SCR& PT, chiropractor near Mastic, we know that sciatica may be caused by damage to other parts of the back and pelvis, including:
– Spinal stenosis — a narrowing of your spine that can pinch a nerve root as it exits from the spine.
– Abnormalities in the bones, such as a fracture or tumor. In rare cases, tumors can develop along the path of your sciatic nerve. These tumors are usually noncancerous (benign) but can cause sciatica if they press on the nerve root.
– Diabetic neuropathy — a type of nerve damage that occurs in people with diabetes when high blood sugar damages nerves throughout your body, including those leading to your back, hips, and legs.
Risk Factors:
There is a possible correlation between your back pain and what you eat. For example, eating a lot of red meat may be linked to an increased risk for herniated discs.
Cigarette smoking has been correlated with degenerative disc disease and the development of spinal stenosis. A lack of exercise can also contribute to back pain by weakening.
Treatment: Chiropractor Near Mastic
You can treat sciatica by relieving the pressure on your nerve root and allowing it to heal. Using medications and other treatments can help control pain and inflammation. Lifestyle changes, such as taking frequent breaks from sitting or standing, may ease some of your symptoms so you can perform daily activities with less discomfort.
If you are looking for a chiropractor near Mastic, check out Suffolk Chiropractic Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy. We offer many great chiropractic services to those in need.